The Embodiment Of A Logo

Creating an identity is a part of the marketing strategies that business entities employ to increase financial gains. A logo that simply speaks for a company as a whole is generally the tool of choice so that a certain product, a company or a service provider will gain popularity from the consumers. Logo designs serve as an alternative for the company or brand name of a product but studies show that logos are immediately recognized and retain on people's mind longer than the name itself.

Surprisingly, there is something in a logo that people associate with. What does a logo says about a business entity or brand? A logo design briefly says something about the consumer goods but says everything about it. The logo of FedEx for example, has an arrow that simply denotes speed which is literally related to their line of business. Starbucks Coffee's logo, designed using the negative space technique gives the impression that it is about hot drinks as evidenced by the steam design.

A logo may also tell about a company's culture. The Audi logo, four rings that are intertwined together, connotes an idea about being together. Furthermore it is also associated$20 with the four car manufacturers that were joined together. The Apple logo on the other hand represents the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge- a culture that speaks about knowledge. A logo therefore should sell a lifestyle that consumers can relate with.

Logo designs are also intended to tell about the company's aspirations. Designs should be created such that it will give the imprersion that the company is treading the right path. WWF for example, with the panda logo boldly sends a message about protecting and giving the animal the right to live.

The company's mission and vision must also be evident in the design such as texts about their intentions to be able to gain public approval. Witty and captivating texts give lasting impressions that linger on the people's minds.

A poorly conceived logo may give the wrong impression to the public as small details have the ability to affect people's opinions that make them jump over a conclusion and assume that one brand or service is better than the other. A unique logo will definitely differentiate one entity from another competitor. Thus, if you are planning of having a web or logo expert design your company's identity, incorporating something that represent culture, aspirations, missions and visions from which the consuming public can relate to guarantee a success.'s_Pick.jpg


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